About us

In 2018, I completed a mountaineering semester in the Canadian Rocky Mountains, and as a newcomer to the sport, I had to buy a lot of gear! I spent hours reading blogs and watching YouTube videos, but the very first time I had to ice climb, I realized that my brand-new gloves weren’t suited for the task. Frustrated, I asked my instructor what was wrong. “Those gloves don’t work for this, you should have bought the ones I use” he answered matter-of-factly.

How was I supposed to know this? The experience sparked the idea for Gearchecker, to give newcomers a tool to view what gear the experienced use.

Save time and money and feel confident on your next adventure with Gearchecker.

Our Vision

Nature is the best cure against stress, depression, and anxiety. At Gearchecker, we believe that more people should experience the healing effects of an outdoor adventure.

Our Mission

We understand the barrier of overwhelming gear choices when planning an adventure. With Gearchecker, we're on a mission to simplify research, making it easier for everyone to step into nature with confidence and excitement.

Meet Our Team

Marcus Andersen
Marcus Andersen
Binod Baniya
Binod Baniya